The Functional Programming group in Gothenburg consists of academics and students interested in different aspects of Functional Programming. It is informally known as the “Chalmers FP group” even though there are group members both at Chalmers and UGOT.
There is currently also an organisational unit called “Functional Programming” which is one of the four units in the division of Computing Science (which in turn is part of the department of Computer Science and Engineering). But there are several FP group members who organizationally belong to other units or even other divisions.
This site is under construction (2023-09-19).
FP mailing list: https://lists.chalmers.se/mailman/listinfo/fp
Success stories and expertise (from until 2016… TODO)
- the influential testing framework QuickCheck (for Haskell and Erlang)
- the award-winning MiniSat SAT-solver
- the award winning Paradox model finder
- the programming language Haskell (part of the language development, compilation, libraries, tools)
- development of generic functional programming (polytypic programming)
- domain specific languages (Lava, Wired, QuickCheck, Feldspar, …)
- our group is the biggest single contributor to ICFP (105 papers), and the QuickCheck paper is the most cited ICFP paper of all time, and the Lava paper the sixth most cited (https://dl.acm.org/conference/icfp).
- John Hughes, Mary Sheeran, Patrik Jansson, Koen Lindström Claessen, Alejandro Russo, Aarne Ranta
- Nick Smallbone, Jonas Duregård, Alex Gerdes
Other local FP people:
- Ulf Norell, Nils Anders Danielsson, Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Former members:
- Johan Nordlander, Moa Johansson
- Michał Pałka, Joel Svensson, Ann Lillieström, Anders Persson, Nikita Frolov, Dan Rosén, Anton Ekblad, Inari Listenmaa, Irene Lobo Valbuena, Maximilian Algehed, Emil Axelsson, Josef Svenningsson, Meng Wang, Ramona Enache, Lennart Augustsson, Johan Jeuring, Wouter Swierstra, Karol Ostrovsky, Gábor Páli, Niklas Sörensson, Cláudio Amaral, Björn von Sydow, Magnus Björk
- …
Related Companies
- TODO add more recent projects and events
- 2016-10-01: Three new student research assistants (amanuens) start in the GRACeFUL project: Sólrún Einarsdóttir, Oskar Abrahamsson, Björn Norgren.
- 2016-09-16: From 2017 the FP research group will become a division. The process for appointing a new head of division is ongoing.
- 2016-06-01: Maximilian Algehed starts as a Student research assistant (amanuens) in the GRACeFUL project
- 2012-2015: “PROWESS - PROperty-based testing for Web ServiceS” (EU 2012-2015): John Derrick (Sheffield), John Hughes and several others
- 2012-2014: Strongly Typed Libraries for Programs and Proofs: Patrik Jansson & Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- 2012-2014: A functional programming approach to hardware acceleration of algorithms: Mary Sheeran
- 2012-2015: SecOpen: Securing open development platforms: Alejandro Russo
- ?-?: RAWFP
- 2010-2013: Global Systems Dynamics and Policy: Patrik Jansson, EU 2010-2013
- 2009-2012: “Putting Functional Programming to Work - Software Design and Verification using Domain Specific Languages”
- 2010-2013: “Domain Specific Language for Real-Time Embedded Software” - A. Persson at Ericsson
- 2009-2011: J. Hughes: Language terms as test data for property-based testing
- 2007-2011: Property-based Testing, John Hughes, http://www.protest-project.eu/
- ?-?: Feldspar (http://feldspar.github.com) - Domain-specific language for digital signal processing
- Lava: http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~koen/Lava - Hardware description in Haskell
- Wired: http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~emax/wired - Layout- and wire-aware hardware description
- 2010: Chalmers FP Workshop
- 2009: Chalmers FP Workshop
- Old page: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Cs/Research/Functional/
- 2008: the fourth Haskell Hackathon was at Chalmers on Apr 11-13, 2008. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Hac4